Holidays for single people can be a little difficult, surrounded by happy couples and new babies and people asking things like, "So, are you dating anyone new?" It's important to see the humor and keep on laughing at these times. And so, to that end, I give you...My Relationship Status Discussion With a Four Year Old...
Setting: Christmas Eve, my parents house, my cousin's four year old, Sydney, has just climbed up onto my lap.
Sydney: Who's mommy are you?
Me: I'm not anyone's mommy.
Sydney: Yes you are. Who's mommy are you?
Me: I'm really not anyone's mommy. I don't have any kids.
Sydney: Do you have a daddy?
Me: Nope, I haven't found a daddy, yet.
Sydney: Then who do you live with?
Me: I live alone...with my cat...(turning toward my sister) And that is officially the most depressing conversation I will have all Christmas.
I was accosted by santa claus at an extended family get together... asking if i found a job or a wife and why not, how come you don't have kids... thats not the santa i remember.