Monday, April 25, 2011

Evolve or Die

You may have noticed that my blog design is a little different. It's evolving...I'm sure there will be more tweaks over the next week or two as I play with the design. It's a work in progress...changing, evolving, changing, evolving...

Which brings me to my current conundrum - Can a relationship that didn't work once, because of bad timing, work a second time?

Everyone goes through phases where they are working through major life changes. For some people it comes after graduating from college, getting married, getting divorced, or having a baby. For me, this time of life was punctuated with southern accents, cockroaches, subway cars and airplane terminals. It was a long, difficult process, and not one that I had ever wanted to start, since I already considered myself to be a pretty awesome version of who I was, but after many nights of soul-searching and fighting through heartache, homesickness, and a total loss of self, I came out the other side as an even better, more evolved version of me. (Who would have thought I could be more awesome than I already was?!)

When I started dating my ex, it was very obvious that he was still trudging through the middle of his own life-altering process. I knew that, and I had hoped that he'd make it out the other side with our relationship still in tact and even stronger for it, but alas, in the end, we needed separation. He needed time to re-learn who he was and what he wanted, and I needed someone who already had that figured out, so I chalked it up to bad timing and I cut and ran.

Now, six months later, he is insisting that he's come out the other side and is ready for the next steps in life, ready to commit, ready to be what I want and need. The question is, could six months have made that much of a difference? And, more importantly, can a relationship that didn't work the first time, work when given a second try?

I've always been against the make-up-break-up relationships that drama-seekers seem to thrive on. I've never even considered dating someone that I dated before, but I also never stopped dating someone just because we were in different places in life. So does that matter? Can it work out if I give it another try, or can this only end in tears?


  1. Well, based on your post, it sounds like you are the one that ended it the first time. So when you say it didn't work the first time, you mean it didn't work for you. So yes, it could work the second time, but you should have a good idea of what will make it work for him. Remember, he is now a changed man. You should know very quickly if you think it will work for you. If not, cut and run...again. But it should make the conversation much easier.

    And only 6 months later? Sure, maybe six months ago he was six months from becoming the new "him." There has to be an end at some point. You may have caught him half-way through.

    So yes, it could work and I would not dismiss it completely. However, be cautious. If you begin to have the slightest bit of doubt, move on!

  2. Hi! I so love your posts. I so can relate with it and it is easy to understand your sentiments with the way you write it. :)
